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how are the dependencies between instructions determined? also how does the system know how to rearrange the instructions?


@gogogo, after decoding each instruction, the processor knows which registers supply values used and which register will be updated by the instruction. The processor then has a structure that tracks whether a register is ready (and if so, it's value), as well as what instruction will next update that register. Effectively, this enables the processor to create a graph of dependencies between the instructions based on their registers, and determine when an instruction has satisfied its dependencies and is ready to be issued.


I found some notes on basic out-of-order Tomasulo algorithm implemented on IBM 360 in 1970s which uses the Reorder Buffer mentioned in slide. Modern processors call this dynamic execution and use a derivative of this algorithm.

A key feature is hardware register renaming - if a value is unavailable to a register during issue, a placeholder is used which is later replaced with the real value from the instruction buffer.

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