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If I understand correctly (or am not conflating two ideas), ROS, the robot operating system, follows the message passing model ( Robots communicate by sending messages formatted in a standard "ROS-ified" way. It would seem as though if you had a system that was running on disjoint pieces of hardware, i.e. a swarm of robots, that the message passing system is a natural paradigm.


Holladay, I unsure if this is exactly accurate (I could be wrong here :D) ROS uses XML-RPC for communication between machines and nodes. The remote procedure calls (RPC) allow ROS to be distributed across many machine in a distributed network. Even on a local machine, the rosmaster will sent messages to your loopback which adds some amount of overhead. I would think this idea fits the MPI conceptual model, but the implementation may not use direct process-to-process message passing. See this link for more details: Overview


@brinkap thanks for explaining in further detail, I'll look into it. I wasn't really sure, so now I'm glad I brought it up!