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I believe the black boxes on this slide are where the processor tries to figure out where the parallelism exists in the code. At a high level, how does it accomplish that?


I will try to be as simple as possible.

The retirement unit and reorder buffer are the last stage of that process. The whole process begins with the fetch unit, which fetches multiple instructions at the same time. Then they are passed to the register alias table (in between the orange and black box) which figures out the dependencies. At this point, independent instructions are moved down to the reservation station, where they await their operands (which could be memory or registers). Once all the operands of an instruction are ready, they are moved into the execution unit to be executed (yellow box). Multiple instructions could be moved into the execution unit at the same time, and the order at which they are executed is not necessary in order they are fetched, hence this whole process is called out-of-order execution. Finally, the results are passed back to the reorder buffer (which is the black box), where they are reordered back into the correct order. Retirement unit then does the last job of writing the results back to memory or register. The cpu uses this whole technique to identify ILP and run as many instructions in parallel as possible.

The other black box, the branch target buffer, should be the fancy branch predictor which decides which instruction should be fetched before resolving any conditional execution.