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For anyone interested in learning how a compiler could decide whether to run a loop iteratively or in parallel without the programmer having to declare independent loop iterations, I came across the GCD test:

This test checks whether loops that modify arrays can be legally parallelized. Consider:

for(i = 0; i < 500; i++) { A[Ki + L] = A[Mi+N]++; }

where A is an array, and K, L, M, and N are constants.

Each iteration of this loop is independent if $\not \exists i_1, i_2$ such that:

K$i_1$ + L = M$i_2$ + N

Using (Bezout's Lemma, we know that there are no such $i_1, i_2$ if GCD(K, M) does not divide N-L.

Perhaps someone who has taken compilers could explain another method loop dependency analysis.