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For example, there are A and B threads running on the same core. When A thread is waiting some data into cache, B thread can still be running on the core.

--EDIT-- Actually, there is example in next few slides.


Is caching a latency reducing technique?


@chaominy caching is a latency reducing technique because the data is physically closer to the processor than it would be in memory or on disk. Threads are latency hiding, because the latency is still there for each individual thread, but the interleaving of multiple threads allows the processor to do work while waiting for the others to receive their data.

Multithreading is like household chores. If we start a load of laundry, we can leave this to go and start the dishwasher and even while running that cook dinner. Then while dinner is cooking, move our laundry to the dryer, clean out the dishwasher, and finally return to finish making dinner. Each of these tasks individually may take an hour, but all 3 could be accomplished within an hour or so by interleaving their start and end times together.

Caching reminds me of a refrigerator. We store items like milk in the fridge so that it takes less time to get them, as opposed to going to the store or the farm every time we want some milk.


Very nice @Thedrick. Another common analogy is a desk. The papers related to what you are working on right now are kept on your desk for easy access. Papers you need less often are kept in your filing cabinet. Papers you need to keep around, but almost never need are kept in your basement.

A fundamental rule of thumb with storage hierarchies is that low-latency storage tends to be precious (and expensive), and the more a container can store typically the higher the latency is to access it.