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Question: How is the result shown on this slide a good example of workload-driven design? (Note: modern workloads must have different results than that shown above, as both modern Intel and AMD choose to implement extensions of the MESI coherence protocol.)


Assumed that you are going to write chip strategy on how to handle share memory problem. MSI protocol comes to your head easily. You implement it and want it to be more efficient. Then you will propose all kinds of methods to improve it. But how can you decide on which version to be used as the final one?

Considering that analysis cannot help you much because of complicated hardware environment, workload-driven design is used widely. Some classical data sets, which are expected to run on it often, are generated and processed by different methods to test the performance. The method that has the best overall performance is selected to be your standard one.

From the above graph, MESI method and MSI+Upg method reach the same improvement on naive MSI way. To decide which one to use, more detailed tests may be used to compare between them. Depend on what you care more about, one will be chosen. But due to the similar performance, it will easily lead to different conclusions.

So workload-driven design sometimes leads designers to different conclusions.


I'm a little bit confused about what the +Upg thing is.

From what I can tell, it's that a move from Shared to Modified need only send out a BusUpgr command and use what's in its cache as opposed to reading from main memory (which is what it does in standard MSI program?).

However, the slide says the "Data transferred on bus for E -> M transition is small if 'upgrade' transaction used." There is no E state in MSI, did you mean S -> M?


@zwei: your understanding is correct on all accounts.