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Note that it is assumed that all flags are initialized to 0.

The reason why program 3 may be different for PC is because Thread1 may set A to 1, letting Thread2 enter the loop and set B to 1, but Thread3 might have only seen the changes in Thread2 since it is not guaranteed like in TSO that the value of A is the same across all processors. Thus, Thread3 may see B as 1 with A still 0, and end up printing 0 instead. This is a clear example of Thread3 being allowed to read A without knowing the value of A in Thread2 as set by Thread1. In any SC execution, A would have to be set to 1 across all processors, so 1 must be printed.

The reason why program 4 may be different for TSO and PC is because Thread1 may move the read of B before setting A to 1, printing 0, and Thread2 might move the read of A before setting B to 1, also printing 0. This is a clear example of TSO (in Thread1) of reading B before the write to A is observed by Thread2. In any SC execution, in order to reach either print statement, the other variable must be set to 1 across all processors, so it is impossible to print 0 for both.


For reference:

Program 1: will always print 1 because there is no way for thread 2 to observe a 1 value for flag (thus coming out of its loop) without first observing the 1 value for A.

Program 2: valid outputs are 00, 11, 01. 10 can't happen because there's no way for thread 2 to observe the write to B without first observing the write to A.

@Xelblade explained 3 and 4.


To add to @nslobody: The reason behind the non-occurrences is because both PC and TSO still respect the W->W constraint as given in the previous slide

To clarify @Xelblade, there is no need for both threads to move their reads before their prints, so long as one thread moves its read before its print, it is possible for an execution path to produce prints of zeroes.


Even though in Program 2, there might be several outputs, but each output may match its Sequential Consistency.

However in Program 4, any output matches its Sequential Consistency can not both 0. However in both TSO and PC, two threads may print the output before receiving the write from each other. Therefore in Program 4 both schemes do not match the Sequential Consistency.


The key idea to remember is that reads propagate up before writes in both TSO and PC, and as a result, it is possible that a given execution of both threads results in both A and B to be printed as 0's. In SC, one of them must be 1 and as a result, we will differ from both TSO and PC.