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Question Based on the previous slide, I thought that the goal of a sparse directory would be to reduce the number of entries in a directory, since most lines would not be resident in any cache at a given time. However, on this slide, it looks like the directory still has M entries, and that this scheme is a way to reduce the overhead of storing which processors have a line in their cache at a given time, the same problem we addressed earlier.


Good question. The system still needs a way to find the "head of the list" for each line. One way to do this in O(1) time is have a single head pointer per line in memory (requiring just a few bits, rather than a full bit vector, or a limited-pointer list). This is what is illustrated here for simplicity, although technical my illustration doesn't reduce M as claimed. However, given that cached lines are sparse, a more practical alternative would be to simply maintain a small lookup table storing the head of the list for cached lines. Perhaps each home node would maintain this lookup table for the lines it managed.

Notice that this discussion assumes there's a distributed set of caches. If there was a single, unified last-level cache, and inclusion is maintained, such as is the case for the L3 cache in a modern Intel Core i7 processor (as shown on slide 41), then finding the "head of the list" for a line is easy. Just find the line in the L3 cache, and the line contains extra information about the sharers. (In the case of a Core i7, the extra information is just a bit vector indicating witch of the processors has the line in its L2.)

  1. I think, compared with the limited pointer scheme on slide23, this method amortized the storage overhead to other processors in the list.

  2. Perhaps, if we have a hash map, we can reduce M to just the number of cache line related to this processor (may be the processor is the home node or just a node in the list)

  3. For the limited pointer scheme, if a cache line is not shared, we can also remove that entry in the directory and reduce M, can we?


@kayvonf: I have a question here. As you mentioned:

However, given that cached lines are sparse, a more practical alternative would be to simply maintain a small lookup table storing the head of the list for cached lines.

I think we can also use something like the lookup table to reduce M in the Limited Pointer Schemes.

The Limited Pointer Schemes and Sparse Directories illustrated here are not as orthogonal as introduced in slide 22. The Sparse Directories illustrated here is much like the linked list extension of Limited Pointer Schemes in slide 24. The lookup table seems more precisely describing the approach to reduce M.