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Since there are fewer memory transactions, this scheme could be useful in systems which worry about power consumption. Less data transfer corresponds to less energy needed per data fetch.


Compressing data may also be motivated by the fact that modern systems are constrained by memory bandwidth and not raw processing power. Since the memory system cannot keep up, it seems logical to burn the CPU time and compress data, since we cannot do much else while waiting for many memory accesses anyway, and potentially get more cache hits.


This reminds me the question 2 in the final exam that the bottleneck of memory transfer is quite an issue when there are several stages of computation. If data transferring is too slow, the next stage cannot do anything except for waiting.

There are two obvious ways to handle this. one is to pipelining the computation in the next stage with the memory access, which hides the latency. But if the computation time is smaller than memory access time, it would not work. The other way is data compression, which actually reduces transfer time, and seems more effective in general cases.