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As a note mentioned in class, this assumes that all messages get to their recipient eventually, which is a problem you deal with in 440. Additionally, while it is possible to overflow the sending buffer it shouldn't be something we should worry about either.


Question: Why might a programmer choose to use an asynchronous (non-blocking) send, as opposed to a blocking send?


If the programmer knows that the value being sent will not be modified before the receiver receives it, he might prefer non-blocking messages because the sender can continue its execution immediately after sending. As was mentioned in class, this is presumably how purely functional languages work under the hood, since they do not allow assignment (variables aren't mutable).


Non-blocking sends generally perform better in terms of performance than blocking sends, since network delays are arbitrary and, as nslobody mentioned, non-blocking send allows the program to continue is execution. On the other hand, blocking sends are much better synchronization primitives than non-blocking sends. They are commonly used as rendezvous points and as ordering mechanisms. These features are very hard to implement (if not impossible in some cases) using non-blocking sends. For example in a data-parallel programming model, non-blocking send can perform much better, since all data are independent and ordering does not generally matter. Transactions and logging on the other hand are good examples where blocking sends are more useful, since the users are more concern about ordering than total throughput.

One personal experience I have is to never use non-blocking sends to solve deadlock problems caused by blocking sends. It might sound tempting at first, but if blocking sends are causing deadlock, this generally implies an underlying design inconsistency. By using a non-blocking send in such case might seem to solve the problem at first, but soon enough more and more synchronization bugs will start surfacing.


Question: Is sendprobe(h1) blocking? Or do we need to keep polling? In other words, how do we handle cases when sendprobe indicates that the message has not been sent? What about recvprobe?


@Mayank: Yes, they are intended to be non-blocking in the slide. The calling thread would need to keep polling if it wanted to wait until the send or receive had completed. Of course, most messaging APIs provide a blocking probe variant as well. In MPI MPI_Probe() is the blocking variant, and MPI_Iprobe() is the non-blocking variant.