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By adding more wires to the bus, we can keep a table of requests to memory to allow pipelining. This way we can have processors send requests, and have the memory respond once it has finished processing the request. Memory will send back a tag to let the processors know which request the response is for. The next couple of slides shows a more detailed view of this pipelining.


The request table is fundamental of implementation of pipeline the transaction. We can detect whether there is a conflict or not, then based the checking result to make response.


Question Why do we need separate request tables for each processor? Couldn't the bus keep track of this information (when handing out tags, etc). The request bus could send a NACK if a request conflicted with something else in the table, and the bus be attached (is thath the right word?) to the response bus to know when to delete entries from the table. Am I missing something? It seems like the bus arbitration logic will guarantee mutual exclusion when making updates to the table.


@kfc9001. I don't think you are missing anything. There's not much of a conceptual difference between a single table and P replicated copies of the table local to each processor that are kept in sync. But you can imagine that each processor might want to have its own local copy HW design purposes (think locality, modularity, and the ability to put per-processor state in that table).


Question: If each processor has its own request table of size 8, they will be using 3 bits to mark the transaction tag. But, this tage will only differentiate requests between same processor but not across processor because P1 could have request tag 1, P2 could have request tag 2 because both have table sized 8. Then, my guess is that there is another tag on the response that tells to which processor the respond is for? Or is there other way to tell it? OR all cache have same copy of this table?


Question : How are the copies of the request tables maintained? It seems like there might be overhead involved in making sure there is consistency among all the copies depending on the method.


@hh: I think the consistency problem can be solved by snooping on bus. Since all requests and responses will be committed to bus and be visible to all cores, the consistency might not be that hard.


@raphaelk: We can make the tag global. Thus there will be at most 8 outstanding requests in total and all the requests are replicated in all cores' request table (consistency can be soled with snooping bus). Then the responser just need to specify which request it's responding to.


@hh: Yes, all cache controllers snoop the interconnect, giving them a consistent view of all memory transactions, and follow the same rules of modifying their local request tables. Thus they stay in sync. This is no different than snooping the coherence traffic in order to keep the state of a cache line in sync.