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If you are a graphics person, you think of this algorithm (as a pipeline), not of the C code / GPU etc.


Can graphics pipeline shown in this slide be considered to be same as hardware accelerators?


More details about graphics pipeline can be found on computer graphics slides, if anyone's interested.


Other rendering techniques like ray chasing are different from the traditional rendering pipeline. But the jobs can still be distributed parallelly.


If you want to display on a fullHD color monitor with a 60 Hz refresh rate, you need to compute 1920x1080x3x60 = 1,5x10^9 values per second. This amount of work justifies having a different chip in your system just for graphics.


Describing this system in terms of the nouns & verbs, the things being manipulated are the vertices we take as input, and the operations are the calculations we follow to arrive at the final output buffer/pixels.