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Question: Can anyone think of other examples of artifactual communication in computer systems?


In systems with distinct types of memory layed out in a single address space (e.g. old game consoles with cartridges that had their own memory), latency may depend on which type of memory is being accessed.


Can live migration of processes from one processor of a system to another processor of a different system can be considered as artifactual communication?


@sandeep6189 in live migration we move applications from one machine to another without terminating/disconnecting the application. This can be done for multiple reasons and I would consider this as a necessary communication (since we might be migrating it to a different machine because of reasons like change in resource requirement, machine update, etc.)


Are the communications needed to ensure memory coherence artifactual communication?


I think any communication which is not required or essential to complete the given algorithm is artifactual communication.


I agree with @manishj