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A processor can go in any order as long as it gets the same result as a sequential processor.


Parallel programming is about explicitly exposing independent instructions. Because compilers might not find all the points available for parallelism. (I am not sure if this comment is correct.)


Parallel programming is to divide the whole job into several tasks which are totally independent to fully make use of multi cores. It's not just independent instructions. Maybe the instructions of each task are not independent, but their logical tasks are different so that they can be executed concurrently by different cores.


harlenVII said that the idea is to divide the whole job into several totally independent tasks, but i'm not sure this is quite correct. In many cases, information can be passed between the processors doing the computing, and what one processor does can be dependent on another. One example of this is the number adding we did in class. Of course, minimizing the amount of these dependencies is often helpful.