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The elusive zone in the fundamentally illusive is it? It seems like the big thing limiting is our compilers are currently only good at optimizing specific little processes and not more general ones. But is there a reason to think that we could never get more powerful compilers?


I can't help but wonder about the theoretical challenges of this. In general, there is no such thing as a perfect compiler (a perfect compiler could replace code that never halts with return nothing, for example). If you don't make explicit assumptions about what the underlying hardware can be, I'm betting I can make some ridiculous parallel machine where efficient parallelization is equivalent to solving some unsolvable problem (Turing Halting, solving the quintic with basic arithmetic, and so on).


Where would Java be in this diagram? It seems like it would be pretty close to the center, having the completeness of C/C++ but trading some of the high performance for ease of development?


I believe Java would be placed on the bottom edge.


In class, I think Kayvon mentioned that Java is closer to the middle of the triangle, but most analogous to C/C++, but closer to completeness.