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Could someone explain what is the example a[f(i)] += b[i] want to explain for?


@sanchuah The compiler can't simply split up the loop that surrounds a[f(i)] += b[i] and divide the work among a bunch of threads running in parallel and independent of each other, without executing f(i). What if f(i) was dependent on b[i-1], for example? Or if there existed ix, iy such that f(ix) = f(iy)?

Edit: As a further note, in case it's still unclear, this is a problem with general programs, however because of the way Liszt constrains programs, it is able to perform dependency analysis (see next slide).


@sanchuah I think the example is saying that we cannot simply put a[f(i)] += b[i] into independent executions (for example, OpenMP parallel for). Because there may be dependency in the calculation of f(i) (maybe an iterative function like BFS)