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Why is President Obama's motorcade traveling through a city a bit like circuit switching a city's roads?


Circuit switching is good for "Higher bandwidth transmission".

There are many other Police men who need to guarantee security, so packet switching would incur a lot of overhead. ;-)


I agree with iZac - President Obama is a VIP and hence his route are pre-determined to provide higher bandwidth of the transmission. This scenario also leads to lower latency as the path or route is guaranteed to have low (or no) traffic for the President to go through.


In the same vein, a regular driver navigates according to packet switching. They have the ability to dynamically switch roads (links) in the case of heavy traffic or construction, without the overhead of ensuring the roads are open before leaving.


Circuit switching can be used for two reasons: to ensure a fixed QoS (quality of service) and security. The comments above mention high bandwidth as the reason for the presidential motorcade but actually I believe the purpose of the motorcade is mainly security.

The motorcade blocks of all traffic so that only the president's car and all of his other security vehicles have access to a section of the traffic system at a time. We want to prevent sharing of the road for security reasons, to not allow any other person or car to get too close to the president.

Similarly, some institutions that need to transfer important or sensitive data will establish private dedicated circuits for their communications to prevent malicious network users from sniffing their packets or re-routing their packets, etc. No other node can have access to that communication channel.