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If you make each iteration depend on the previous iteration instead of partial results of the current iteration, you get the Jacobi method instead of Gauss-Seidel method. Jacobi probably converges about as well and is super-parallel, but uses twice as much memory.


Question: I don't know if this is an overly general question, but it was mentioned in class that during the final project, we might need to change algorithms. Is there a way to know when we would need to change algorithms or are we just be expected to reason through it? For example, how would we make the jump from parallelizing along the diagonals to the red-black coloring? Or when would we switch from improving parallelization to reducing dependencies?


In response to @hh: I think it depends on the problem you're working on. For example, in this case, it would depend on a couple of things. Do we NEED to use the Gauss-Siedel method for our application to work correctly? If so, the best we can get is the diagonal lines. But let's say we're using the Gauss-Siedel method, just to "blur" the field to some threshold (I'm not sure exactly what this does but Kayvon mentioned it in lecture). If we don't care about the exact method that this "blurring" happens as long as the general effect is similar, or if we care about speed a lot more, then it would make sense to switch to the red-black coloring.

And then I'm sure a lot of other factors come into account, too. For example, what kind of system am I running on. If I only have two cores, is it worth completely switching algorithms (or debugging what may be a tougher algorithm) to get what may end up being a very slight speed boost. I think this is as much a software-engineering decision as a computer science one (distinguish those terms however you see fit).


@Incanam -- to try to clarify what Kayvon meant by "blurring the field", this method is a typical example of a numerical solution of a differential equation. You have some boundary conditions (in his example it's the topmost and leftmost rows) and you want to know what the solution looks like -- it's sort of like the iterative sqrt program from HW, but all the data elements depend on each other, so the effects of the boundary conditions propagate (blur) through the system until all the values stop changing (convergence).

Any algorithm that converges to the solution is fine -- we accept the approximate nature of the solution because we can't get an analytical solution anyways


@Incanam Thanks for the help/clarification! I guess an addition to your answer is that you should measure/analyze to figure out what factors do come into account (lecture 6, slide 20). An example was brought up in that lecture on this slide: lecture 6, slide 28 (you don't want to change algorithms when the costs are small).