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When redesigning algorithms, keep in mind that it can be ok to increase overall work if this also allows you to increase the amount of parallelism.


Can someone explain how the one comment made during class about doing parallel iterations to tackle this problem? Would it be doing every single node all the time and effectively each diagonal would be on its own iteration(because it is using old values of the top and left nodes), meaning that the whole problem would take ~2x as many iterations but every node could be done in parallel?


Question: I don't get how the parallelization returns the same result as the serial one. When computing a red cell with the neighboring black cells, shouldn't the black cells (above and left) be updated beforehand? As identified in slide 23, because the dependency starts from the very left top cell of the gird, although we can update the red cells independently, it looks like the dependency still remains between the black cells and the red cells. Can someone help me out?


@danielk2 -- The dependency isn't just the top left cell, but the top and left edges of the grid (boundary conditions). The method from slide 22 computes each node "in order", so for one or two iterations you get a different result from what you get with this "out of order" alternating-checkerboard scheme. But if you think about many iterations, the end result is the same: both algorithms converge to approximately the same solution for a given set of boundary conditions.

The difference is they don't necessarily take the same path to convergence, nor the same amount of computation. It doesn't matter that they're not exactly the same, because the discretization onto the grid was already an approximation.


@abunch: You may be referring to the first comment made on slide 24 describing doing multiple iterations on the same time, which has a good explanation. Every diagonal could be calculating a different iteration in parallel, except for the beginning and ending, which would still be sequential. I don't think this should affect how many iterations it does total, it should still calculate the same amount of work as the sequential version, just faster.


@bourne I think @abunch was referring to calculating every single node in parallel in one iteration, not just the nodes on each diagonal. If that's the case, I think that it would be a different algorithm altogether and I'm not sure if you can safely say that there will be 2x the number of iterations.