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I think there was an example like this in 213: If each thread needs to access a spot in memory that is on the same cache line as all the other threads, that line will get invalidated for everyone with every write. If there is 64 bytes between each thread's integer, then they should all be on different cache lines, and the cache lines should stay valid for many more operations at a time.


Is this a common practice? In this situation, we would be using up a lot of memory just to prevent thrashing. Would there be a better solution that does not require padding?


I don't think there is, but the space problem doesn't have to be as bad is it seems. A good thing about this solution is that the 16x space usage doesn't scale directly with the complexity of your problem. Suppose the original code required for each thread three ints and a float. You could put all that in the struct PerThreadState, decrease the size of the padding, and then you're only using 4x the required space. So if each thread requires some space to work with that's a multiple of 64 bytes, you're in the clear.


It is worth noting that you could decrease your number of threads by a factor of 16 then have each thread do 16 times the work. This seems stupid, but it would allow data to be blocked so one cache line is only accessed by one thread. This would avoid the false sharing. It also would not be a slow down unless you have more execution contexts than the number of threads you are spawning.