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This is a very silly idea, but if we want a data structure to efficiently store the pointers (sharing processors) each of which can be represented by log P bits, we can build a binary decision tree on the set of pointers. Every bit for the pointer leads you down a branch and at the leaf you mark the path you go that get you there as either exist or not exist. To implement this in a low level manner, one can store the tree in the in-order traversal. The traversal can be characterized as a string of characters where a character represents one of BRANCH0, BRANCH1, EXIST or NONEXIST. You can implement a character with two machine bits. Pros: Binary decision tree allows us to not store the overlapping bits in two pointers. When we have a huge number of processors, so big that even log P starts to hurt, this scheme may potentially store more pointers compared to limited pointer schemes, using the same amount of space. Just as limited poitner schemes, binary decision trees takes up less space compared to a full bit vector when entries are sparse, but in the worst case, to store all the pointers, you'll have a complete binary tree of depth log P, which takes O(P) bits (not P bits alas) which is better than O(P log P) for limited pointer schemes Cons: Great pain to do a look up, may require additional space to do so. For small P and even sparser entries in the directory, this takes more space than limited pointer scheme. Silliness of this idea is also a con.


That's a really interesting idea, but wouldn't storing the binary decision tree take a constant $2P - 1$ bits of space (ie. $\sum_{i = 0}^{\log_2 p} 2^i = 2P - 1$)? To store a binary tree in a flat array, the children of the element at index $i$ would be located at $2i + 1$ and $2i + 2$, so the final level of the tree would be at bits $P - 1$ to $2P - 2$.

Did I misunderstand something in your description?


That's one way to store the binary decision tree, which is treating it as a complete binary tree (just like what we did in 122), and yes it will take O(P) space. So I thought we need to store it as an in-order traversal (or pre or post order traversal, if you like) which takes up O(nodes-in-the-tree) space. I have the details of the implementation written in my previous thread.