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A little recap on the hierarchy of DRAM: down the lowest level you have a row of transistors that connect to capacitors used to records bits. To access a set of 8 bits (specific number depends on system), you need a CAS (column access strobe). When you have multiple rows, you have a bank. To access a particular row, you need a RAS (row access strobe). Then going a little up, multiple banks that shares the same data pin is a chip. And a modern DRAM usually has multiple chips on both side of the hardware, which is a DIMM (duel in-line memory module). Each DIMM interacts with one memory controller, which connects to the memory bus to the rest of the system.


One of the stuff mentioned in lecture is that memory controlled will respond to CPU request faster than GPU because GPU has more threads to hide latency while CPU would stall quickly if requested memory does not get back asap.