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What, precisely, does it mean for a fraction of the execution to be inherently sequential? Suppose there is a program that has a more complex dependency structure (e.g. not a binary tree or a linear pattern), where different steps of the execution have different numbers of dependencies. How is S computed?


I think it means that part of the program must run sequentially, and could not possibly be parallelized. For example, maybe each loop iteration depends on the result of the previous iteration. S would be computed in terms of the percentage of work that must be performed serially. For example, in the practice exam question 1, the first for loop was parallelized and the second was not, so S was 0.5, and the maximum speedup was 2x. However, if the first loop was more work intensive, S would be less because less work would be done in the second loop. However, I'm not sure about more complex dependency structures, and I am also curious about how to calculate S in those scenarios.


If different steps of the execution have different number of dependencies, wouldn't S simply be the longest path of dependencies? I'm not sure I understand what makes this so complicated.


It's just the equivalent of the "span" of the program from 150/210. Although in the real world, our speed-up will be a lot less than 1/s because it's difficult to perfectly parallelize the parts of your program that are dependent.