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Assignment is often viewed from a math/algorithms perspective.

A program is modeled as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where vertices represent computation and edges represent dependencies (i.e. if computation X relies on computation Y, there will be edge Y -> X). Vertices are usually weighted based on relative computation time, and edges are usually weighted based on communication time.

The goal is then to assign tasks to the processors such that makespan is minimized, while making sure to respect all of the dependencies. This is NP-Hard, however, so most research focuses on developing heuristics.

More recent models also consider Mapping in addition to Assignment. The parallel computer can also be viewed as a graph, where the vertices represent processors and the edges represent communication links. Weights can be added in case the processors are not all equal. Mapping algorithms need to ensure that highly dependent tasks are placed in close proximity to keep communication costs at a minimum.

Finally, even more advanced algorithms are "contention aware", and avoid overloading any individual communication link in the network.