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Each of the processes are trying to send, but the send calls won't get to return because none of the processes are receiving. Will the deadlock still happen if we moved up line 16d to before line 16b?

Can't seem to remember, was this slide (and those following) covered in lecture?


@eatnow I think that still might deadlock since then all the threads will be waiting for RECEIVE to return, but no one has sent any messages. If we still wanted to use blocking calls, we can probably just have thread 0 be the master initially and send out all the necessary data to threads 1, 2, ... nprocs - 1. I'm not sure whether this has significant performance implications, since majority of the cost is probably in the main computation itself rather then copying of data.


@eatnow I am beginning to believe that you're right. If you moved up line 16d, then I think what would happen is all pid's except for 0 would send, and 0 would go to receive. 0 would receive from 1, and then 1 would go receive from 2, and so on. Once these are all done, all pid's from 0 to nprocs-1 will be sending, and nprocs-1 will be the first to receive. It will receive from nprocs-2, which will then go receive from nprocs-3, all the way down to 0. The problem with this is that this is basically sequential. Other solutions such as having even and odd numbered rows taking turns sending and receiving would be more parallel.