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Question: Why is this program non-deterministic?


There is no guarantee on the order in which program instances operating with different will be executed. As a simple example, consider a call to the function shift_negative where N = 4 and x = [-1.0, 3.5, -2.0, 4.2]. Suppose that the SIMD width of the chip is such that a gang consists of four program instances.

Consider the final value of y[1]. The following program instances will be working on that output element:

a) Program instance with i = 1. This instance will try to write 3.5 at y[1] (as it will enter the else case; 3.5 >= 0).
b) Program instance with i = 2. This instance will try to write -2.0 at y[2-1] = y[1] (as it will enter the if case; -2.0 < 0).

Hence, depending on which program instance gets executed first, the result may differ.


I am still confused. Shouldn't the program be deterministic, looking at the discussion on slide 7(of the same lecture)?

"ISPC guarantees that program instances synchronize after each program sequence point, which is roughly after each statement."

In other words, the else branch should always be executed after the if branches?


@eatnow I'm not a 100% sure about this but since we are using the foreach construct, we are simply telling the ISPC compiler that the iterations of the loop is in parallel. We have no knowledge as to how the iterations of the loop are assigned to program instances by the ISPC compiler (although we generally tended towards round-robin earlier in the lectures). As such, while the program instances are synchronized after every step - due to implementation with SIMD - we don't know which loop iterations the program instances which are running, correspond to. Thus it is possible for the program to be non-deterministic.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. My reasoning seems to vastly different from @arjunh since I'm citing the foreach construct and our lack of knowledge about its implementation rather than the fact that program instances might finish at different times.

Edit: I believe that if we explicitly implemented the round-robin allocation of loop iterations to the program instances - or even the chunk size allocation method for that matter - then this program will be deterministic since as @eatnow points out, the else branch will always be executed after the if branch.