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Is there not a problem here with the fact that the sender does not guarantee the message/data has sent and the receiver does not acknowledge that it has gotten the message/data? How is the programmer supposed to maintain information integrity in this kind of scenario? Is this type of messaging therefore meant for situations where the message/data is continuously updated so it does not matter if some data is lost?


I suspect that in this setup the underlying communication protocol can independently guarantee message delivery. When the sender sends, it doesn't have to manually check for an ACK because it's guaranteed that the message will be delivered. On the other side, the receiver doesn't have to manually send an ACK because the sender doesn't need this explicit acknowledgement.

If however the communication protocol can't guarantee that messages will be delivered successfully, then I think it would be possible for the program to become non-deterministic, exhibiting varying behavior depending on which messages were lost.


To me blocking send/receive seems to have very limited usage, since it does not return until it makes sure the data is completely sent or received. Thus, it seems like it would be useful only when it is specified which thread will be sending data and which data will be receiving data.

However, since blocking ensures that data is indeed sent/received, I believe that this could be possibly used for safety of data delivery.


Whether or not you want to use blocking send/recv probably depends on how reliable the specific message protocol is, how fast it is for your usage, and how important individual messages are.

In most cases, waiting for a message to send is probably undesirable. If your processes are on cores geographically separated, latency explodes, and you simply can't wait for the data to travel all the way there and an ack to travel all the way back before continuing execution -- it would probably be faster just to send the message twice just in case. On the other extreme, if your processes are on the same computer, you can probably be reasonably confident that the OS is passing messages successfully, so blocking is unnecessary.