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When the slide says, "what really matters ... cost of the computation fundamental to the problem", is it referring to the part of the communication that is causing the highest cost (i.e. the part with the slowest speed) and determining the overall cost of the communication? Why is that part fundamental to the problem otherwise? Also, so if I was to write out the communication cost in a Big-O type of format would it be T(n) = O(cost of slowest part) + (constant time of other work)


I guess that's an okay way to represent the communication cost in big O, but I think what it means in the slide by "cost relative to the cost of the computation fundamental to the problem being solved" has to do with how the potential benefit from solving the problem in parallel. Basically, if the cost of communication is roughly equal to the cost of solving the problem in serial, there's no benefit to running in parallel. I think all it's saying is that 5 ms communication cost is great if the computation cost to solve the problem in serial is 5 minutes, but terrible if the computation cost is also 5 ms.