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Of course, if several threads working on the same data structure are running at the same time, then there is a chance that a lot of them will be waiting for locks in that data structure if it has them. Even atomic operations on a GPU can have this problem--several threads atomically modifying shared data, even though they will have great locality, will potentially spend a lot of time waiting for exclusive access.


That doesn't really detract from the importance of co-locating the tasks, however. There's two cases:

  1. The threads aren't trying to get a lock on the data structure. Then co-location provides all the benefits as noted in the slides above. Greater memory efficiency, less communication, etc.
  2. The threads need a lock on the data structure. In this case, it wouldn't matter how closely or far apart they're scheduled. The bottleneck is the lock and the scheduling of the threads doesn't affect that. If anything, you might see minor performance gains from the memory locality.