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From my understanding, if some processes make absolutely no progress, it's starvation. If processes can still make progress but very limited compared to some other processes, it is a fairness issue but not starvation.


According to Wikipedia, this is incorrect---starvation is characterized by a "severe deficiency in caloric energy, nutrient, and vitamin intake."

(but actually Wikipedia agrees with you)


Starvation is usually caused by schedule policies with priority concept. If a process with higher priority never blocks, other processes with lower priority will rarely get resources.

Another interesting example I learned from Wikipedia: Suppose Priority(process3) > Priority(process2) > Priority(process1) and process3 has dependency on process1. If process2 holds the resource for a long time, process3 will never move forward even though it has higher priority, as it cannot get results of process1.


@chaihf I'm a bit confused by your example. The way I understand it, process1 and process3 are being starved while only process2 is progressing, but I would think that process1 would be able to run to completion once process2 releases the resource meaning process3 will also be able to move forward eventually. If you could give a link to the example, that'd be great.


A special case of starvation is write-starvation in a system with a readers-writers lock that gives readers priority over writers at all times. This lock ensures that multiple readers can read a resource at the same time, but only one writer can write to the resource at a time. In this case, if there is a steady stream of readers and a writer is waiting to acquire the lock, then the writer will wait forever (or at least until the stream of readers dries up), which illustrates the principle of starvation.


@devs? It is called Priority inversion. The basic idea is High priority process has to wait/block for the low priority process.


@devs: It is called Priority inversion. The basic idea is a high priority process has to wait for/block by a low priority process. This is an important problem for the real-time system.


So, to avoid starvation in this case, we need to have some police or traffic light to guarantee the fairness.