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I'm going to try to give at least partial answers to these questions:

  1. When a bus request is made, the bus will be occupied for the entire duration of the request and the response, which also includes the time between request and response when the data is being looked up in memory. In many cases this is unnecessary because requests don't conflict and they could be done in parallel.

  2. There is a bus for requests and one for responses. There is also a separate bus for data. Information can be travelling along all three buses at the same time, but there can only be one request/response/data at a time per respective bus.

  3. In an atomic bus, deadlock can occur when a processor is waiting to send a BusRdX, but at the same time a BusRd comes for a cache line that the processor has modified. In a non-atomic bus, deadlock can happen when the L2 cache is trying to update information in the L1 cache, but another request is coming in from the L1 cache. It cannot send the information until it receives the other information from L1, but L1 cannot receive the information from L2 until it sends its first request. I think I have this sort of correct, I was a little confused about slide 29.

  4. Queues seem useful here for the same reason they are usually useful in parallel systems: because it gives a better chance that workload will be evenly distributed, and with fewer stalls in between so that the total workload can be finished faster.


For question 3, I believe that the example with the L1 cache and L2 cache for a non-atomic bus deadlock wouldn't apply since there isn't any bus traffic involved in communication between those caches.

However, I'm actually not entirely sure how to cause a deadlock on a non-atomic bus-based system that is due to the bus itself instead of the actual program logic. That is, it is possible to write a program that, when executed, has instructions that in some sequential ordering of concurrently executing code, will cause a deadlock on a non-atomic bus-based system. However, that would be more of a fault of the program itself and not a fault of the bus. Anyone have further input on this?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I agree with @spilledmilk that there cannot be an interleaving of instructions that does not involve L1 - L2 communication in a non-atomic bus-based system. If all the processors keep track of request they issued and all processors respond in a reasonable amount of time, the system should not deadlock at all. However, when L1 - L2 queue comes into play, there can be a deadlock as mentioned in the later slides.


For question one, the motivating reason is that for a atomic bus, the bus cannot be used by another entity when one request is not finished even if the bus is idle at some point. This is inefficient and we'd like to utilize the idle time.