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The difference between test-and-set and test-and-test-and-set is in the latter we first do a read, while (lock!=0) and then only if this passes we do the test and set. Hence, the only invalidations that happen is when proc 1 sets the lock variable to 1 and then to 0 when its done. This is because as soon as proc 1 gets the lock proc 2 and proc 3 just keep spinning on while (lock!=0) and since this is just a BusRd they do not trigger cache invalidations. Another advantage is this does not snatch the line away from proc 1 and hence proc 1 does not have to load the lock variable back into memory before setting it to 0 at the end.


I'll also add that after the first BusRd, there isn't any more traffic on the bus until the lock is released (unless there is a directory based cache structure). But then, when the lock is released, all other processors will have the lock invalidated, and will have to read the new one (which is set by whichever processor happens to be granted bus access first).


Isn't there a BusUpg before 'Update line in cache' in processor one?


@Yuyang. Yes, you are correct. It's not shown. It could also be a BusRdX if the line containing the lock happened to be evicted during the critical section.


So it seems this kind of optimization is highly dependent on the implementation of the hardware. Does anyone know how does linux kernel developers deal with the variety of hardwares and protocols used when developing kernel for it to work well on all platforms?