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(Kayvon said he was going to change this in class, so I'm going to comment on the version that I currently see)

There was a presentation of atomicIncrement which takes arguments int *x and int y. This implementation attempted to increment by any arbitrary amount, but could be broken by supplying values for y which are alternating negative and positive.

In the meantime, pretend that y is actually "uint", not int. This makes the atomicIncrement code more safe.


x86 offers 8 byte and 16 byte CAS instructions. How does the processor handle these instructions if the bytes they're modifying span cache lines? Does it just not guarantee atomicity? or does it have some scheme of acquiring and hanging onto one cache line while it finishes modifying the second?


This implementation of atomicIncrement may have the same performance issue when the lock is highly contended. I think this function can also be implemented as test-and-atomicIncrement, which is equivalent to test-and-test-and-set.

void testAtomicIncrement(int* x! unsigned int y) {
    while (1) {
        int xold;
        int xnew;

        do {
            xold = *x;
            xnew = xold + y;
        } while (*x != xold);

        if (atomicCAS(x, xold, xnew) == xold)

@tchitten: Most datatypes are aligned by their own size, so 8-byte integers would be aligned on a 8-byte boundary, and 16-byte integers would be aligned on a 16-byte boundary. Because cache lines are 64-bytes on most modern processors, both of the above datatypes would fit just fine into a single cache line.

Not too sure what would happen once the size of a datatype exceeds the cache line size, but I imagine atomic operations on it would either require locks or transactional memory.