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This reminds me of in assignment 3, for the breadth-first search, there were certain sections that needed to happen sequentially to prevent interference between the threads. When using "# pragma omp critical," it often seemed to be slower than when using "# pragma omp atomic." I wasn't sure why that would be, but this seems to be one possibility... Was it that declaring a critical section was like surrounding it with a lock, so that it always slowed down the system on that section, whereas using "atomic" used optimistic concurrency, like described on this slide?


@jmnash You seem to be right.


So a basic summary of what this says:

  • If you have multiple critical sections that are unnamed, this can cause a huge slowdown. This could have been a problem because if you had two different critical sections, but they were not named, then only one thread can be in either of them, even if they were not dependent on each other. This can be thought of by using the same lock on both sections. Of course, this can be fixed by naming the sections differently.

  • For atomic sections, it requires a lot less overhead, but it also relies on the hardware having an atomic operation for whatever is in the section. In that case, no locks are necessary. However, if that is not the case, locks might have to be used. Additionally, being in an atomic operation section does not stop any other thread from entering another atomic section like unnamed critical sections do.


To add on to potential downsides of using atomic, @ycp mentions that using it requires the hardware to have an atomic operation for the code inside the atomic section. The OpenMP specs actually specify what kind of operations can be inside of a atomic section (things of the form x++, x--, x binop = expr or similar). From the above comment, it may seem that if the expressions inside the atomic region do not follow the guidelines, the atomic expression may just use a lock. This is not true as far as I know; instead, the compiler will just yell at you until you fix it. Source: personal experience in assignment 3.