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These transaction seem to be similar to SQL database operations, where you can perform bulk insert/delete/update operations in the database within a single transaction.


The same ideas come into play in both cases. Databases were and are frequently accessed and edited by multiple clients at a time, and so Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID), ensure that the databases does not lose or corrupt data.

I think the main difference is databases are affecting memory specifically in a database, whereas here it's just affecting memory.


Well, that's not even much of a difference. In SQL you tell the driver to insert value X into column Y of table Z, and with transactional memory you insert value X into address Y--it's just a matter of how you address the memory owned by the database.


How is this different from the ACID property of database transactions?


Well it seems to be missing the consistency and durability parts of ACID. Durability might not apply to memory because memory really isn't meant for durable storage. If there's a power outage, we really don't expect (or even want) memory to be restored to its previous state.

I'm not completely sure why consistency doesn't apply, but memory might not follow certain integrity rules that might apply to databases. You can define a database such that all its data and transactions follow certain constraints, but that idea doesn't really translate to memory management. With memory management, you are concerned with coherence and consistency, not necessarily integrity constraints that the user imposes on the data. I could just be wrong though.


@LilWaynesFather: I think that is completely correct. For database access the level of abstraction is raised. Consistency in DBs really just means keeping the database in a valid state, which has to do with the rules and triggers set up by the programmer when creating the schema. With memory management, this level of control is not built in and thus it doesn't make much sense to think of transactional memory in this way. However, we can say that transactional memory does guarantee a valid state, but this doesn't mean much.


What is meant by "transactions seem to commit in a single serial order"? Is this referring to the order of memory writes within a single transaction, or the order in which multiple transactions are committed?


@cardiff This is referring to multiple transactions: even though many transactions may be running in parallel, we want the results to be indistinguishable from those produced by running the transactions in serial in some order (but not necessarily any specific order!)


Essentially, the operations within a single transaction will never appear to be interleaved (if doing so would affect the results).