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As discussed in lecture, a potential solution here without using transactional memory would be to use reader-writer locks on each node, which allow unlimited readers to access a node, but ensures that writers have exclusive access before they modify information. This would remove the contention for nodes 1 and 2 in this example since exclusive access would only need to be obtained on the locks for nodes 3 and 4.

However, one potential problem with this approach is that reader-writer locks are not fair and can either starve the readers or starve the writers, depending on the type used.

More information can be found on slide 16 in this 213 lecture.


And also, updating node 3 could delay an update to any other node, since it locks node 1, which happens to be the root node. Hence, while it would be possible to concurrently update any leaf node without any problem, there's contention by the lock on the root.


@spilledmilk I believe your statement, "reader-writer locks are not fair, and can either starve the readers or starve the writers", is not necessarily true. Whether or not a RW-lock starves anyone is implementation independent -- it is possible to imagine a RW-lock that stops allowing more readers into a critical section when any writers are waiting, and a RW-lock that lets a burst of readers access a critical section (if the readers want to) in between writes. Although this may not be optimized for the general case, both readers and writers would eventually gain access to the critical section, and thus neither would be starved.