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Thread 2 blocks on flagA, which is set in thread 1, and vice versa. When we're using separate locks, this is fine, because while thread 2 is blocked, thread 1 is still able to run and set flagA to true, so that thread 2 can resume.

However, if we made these sections atomic, if thread 2 runs first while flagA is false, it will block indefinitely, because thread 1 cannot run while thread 2 is inside an atomic section. Thus, the program will deadlock, since thread 2 is waiting for thread 1 to set a flag, and thread 1 is waiting for thread 2 to exit the atomic section.

This happens because atomic constructs act like "global" locks, since no other thread can run while one thread is in an atomic section. However, in this case, we want different locks for each section of code.


Wouldn't it be a good idea to be able to declare names for different atomic sections that need to be serialized with each other, i.e. atomic(crit_section_1) and atomic(crit_section_2). That would solve precisely this problem, and would probably allow speedups in many other situations. Or is that breaking the atomic abstraction?


I am curious to the answer to sbly's question as well. My guess is that with atomic implemented using transactional memory, there's no easy way to do this. Transactional memory can detect that two different accesses are modifying/reading from the same variables, and one of the conflicting transactions out. It would probably be more complicated if we want to "tag" the transactions.

I am also curious about what happens if we have "nested" atomic sections. Maybe within an atomic section, we call a function which contains an atomic section. Is this disallowed? Does it instantly cause deadlock? Or is the inner "atomic" just ignored? Something like the following:

    if(stop condition is true) return;
    do some stuff

@sbly that is likely breaking the atomic abstraction which is essentially that all or nothing happens. If you were to allow two atomic tags something along the lines of a = 1; if (a) b = 1; would not necessarily happen the way the programmer intended, given another atomic operation with a different tag somewhere else (assuming this is a relatively large code base, this is very plausible) had a = 0;. It would sort of ruin the appoint of atomicity guarantees.

@eatnow I don't see why that would need to deadlock: the atomic call would guarantee the exclusive execution of the code up until foo(); and then it would continue with a new call to foo. If there were only thread, everything seems like it would just be as serial as without making it atomic. I could be wrong, though.