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Question: In 15-213's web proxy assignment you gained experience writing concurrent programs using pthreads. Think about your motivation for programming with threads in that assignment. How was it different from the motivation to create multi-threaded programs in this class? (e.g., consider Assignment 1, Program 1)

Hint: What is the difference between concurrent execution and parallel execution?


In the proxy, we primarily focused on concurrent execution. That is, we wanted the ability to execute multiple tasks at the same time so that they could be serviced fairly. A large request, such as a video download, should not substantially delay smaller requests, such as those involving simple plain text, from being processed.

If we had only one core, the CPU could context-switch between these requests, so that they could be serviced. So, we could first process the large request for a bit, then switch over to smaller requests and complete those, before getting back to the large request.

We didn't really think about mapping the requests to individual cores explicitly (which would allow multiple requests to actually run simultaneously, without necessitating context-switching). If we had several cores, we could have processed these requests concurrently by doing them in parallel.

So, concurrent execution has to do mainly with the notion that we can have multiple tasks in the state of being processed at any one time. Parallel execution has to do with processing these requests simultaneously, on separate cores.


Question: for those that have OS experience... Give some performance reasons why an OS might want to context switch separate threads (or processes) on a single-core machine? How are these new examples related to the use of concurrency in the 15-213 proxy assignment?

p.s. @arjunh, sweet answer above.


Perhaps there is an OS related answer to this which I'm not familiar with, but @arjunh: I understand the difference between concurrency and parallelism, but about the motivation for proxy lab, why couldn't parallelism be used anyway? Assuming that there isn't a difference in the difficulty of writing the actual code for both. For instance, give one core the large request to work with, while keeping on giving the small requests to other cores to keep them busy. That way (theoretically?) no time is lost on context switch for the big task.


@selena731: The execution of the proxy pthreads can theoretically be done in parallel (the only resource shared among the pthreads is the cache; we can resolve this problem by introducing locks to ensure safe access). However, this is assuming that there are additional cores to run the pthreads.

Additionally, in most parallel programs, the programmer needs to provide a cue that the threads can be executed in parallel, which may require special language frameworks (such as OpenMP, CUDA, etc). This parallelism simply can't be realized by the compiler, as the code is rather complex, making it difficult to ensure that there are no dependencies that could affect the correctness of the program.

Lastly, it is difficult to ensure the the work-load is distributed evenly; doing so requires analyzing the workload of all the processors at any given time (when we want to run a new thread on a core). Again, there are parallel languages that can abstract away the low-level hardware details, but it is still a challenging problem.

From the 213 perspective, this objective was simply unnecessary.


I think the OS's perspective of using pthreads in proxy lab is to use hardware efficiently, specifically network resources in this case (because the tasks are IO bounded in proxy). That is, we don't want the network to rest while processing some logic. Providing small latency, as @arjunh said, is also very important.


The CPU is much faster than memory, and memory is faster than most of I/O device. Suppose we have two threads: thread A is I/O consuming, while thread B is CPU consuming. Then when thread A is on CPU and waiting for some late I/O , the CPU is idle. So OS will block the thread A and switch thread B running on CPU, to make the system more efficient.


In the proxy lab of 15-213, we use PThreads to let the proxy be able to process multiple requests at the same time. In my opinion, concurrency means that multiple tasks can happen independently of each other and each task completes in overlapping time periods. It doesn't mean that the tasks are running literally at the same time. For example, multiple task running on single-core processor.

Parallelism literally means that the tasks are running simultaneously on different cores. To some degree, parallelism is a form of concurrency.


Concurrent Execution implies that we are performing multiple tasks but we switch between them as we have hardware capability to perform only one probably at any given time. Parallel Execution implies multiple tasks can be executed on different cores at the same time.


I think the main difference between the motivation of using threads for proxy and creating multi-threaded programs in this class is that:

for proxy (concurrency): we want to solve multiple problems (handle multiple tasks) at the same time (even when there is a single processor).

for this class (parallelism): we want to solve a single computation-heavy problem by using multiple computation resources.


I think the main use of threads on a single core is as an abstraction to the CPU resources. It certainly would be possible to craft a single thread to perform the function of multiple threads by carefully choosing different items to work on in a sequential manner, however this would be cumbersome and error prone. By using the OS or a library to facilitate this abstraction it allows the programmer to clearly delineate different workflows. Further, in the presence of multiple cores, multi-threaded programs can scale in a way single-threaded programs cannot. In proxylab we used threads to serve multiple requests, and while it certainly would be possible to do so without threads it would be extremely painful and thus we insert a layer of abstraction between the programmer and the CPU to ease development.

In this class we do not use threads so much as an abstraction than as a tool to increase processing throughput by exploiting true parallelism on modern CPUs/GPUs.


Additionally, coming back to this topic after the 1/15 lecture, using multiple threads on a single core can hide latency for time intensive kernel tasks, such as fetching data from main memory or the hard drive, by switching to a different thread when a stalling instruction is encountered and returning to the thread after the stalling instruction is completed.


I agree with many of the previous comments. In proxy lab, we used pthreads so that we could hide the latency for larger, more time consuming requests. Concurrency allowed us to switch between requests, reducing the total time (in comparison to a sequential proxy) the proxy took to handle multiple requests. I also think that parallelism is a form of concurrency. To me, concurrency means being in the process of executing multiple tasks at the same time. Parallelism specifies that we are using multiple resources to execute those tasks.


OS might want to context switch separate threads on a single-core machine because thread is waiting for some external event (relative to CPU) to happen. The event could be waiting for a local disk read, or response from a remote server as in the case of 15-213 proxy. Since CPU will sit idle for a relatively long period, other threads can take use of the time.


Concurrency is relevant when we have multiple tasks that compete for scarce resources such as the CPU. This usually involves techniques that maximize computing resources by minimized idle time on the CPU and I/O devices. Parallelism however is concerned with the problem of optimally breaking up one large task into subtasks and distributing these tasks to many computing resources (cores on a machine).


Concurrency means that each task gets a chance to run for a while on a single core computer, but at any moment only one task is running. Parallel means that we can run multiple tasks on multiple cores, at any moment there might be multiple tasks running on the cores.


Concurrency is a way to give every program a chance to run. Mainly to avoid starvation and give the user a feeling that various programs could run at the same time. Parallelism is a way to utilize the computational power to achieve faster computation. And this sometimes might increase the work but as long as the span is shortened, everything is fine.