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I was thinking about Monte Carlo algorithms, which can give good runtimes at the cost of sometimes yielding an incorrect answer. Even though there are algorithms which are guaranteed to give the correct answer, Monte Carlo algorithms run faster and tend to have a low probability of failing (and may be run multiple times to further reduce that chance). Analagously, problems which can be solved in parallel usually require thread communication/synchronization, which are costly, but will guarantee a correct outcome. Are there problems where limiting that synchronization is preferable, even though the solution may be slightly incorrect as a result?


Just as in Monte Carlo algorithm, you are essentially hurting "correctness" to achieve better runtime. Other cases where you want to limit synchronization at the cost of correctness might be: 1. When you only want an estimation of the answer rather than the exact. 2. When the probability of one type of result shows up much more frequently. e.g. password checking where you know when the password is wrong really fast and double check on correct password.


There's a bit of a false dichotomy here; Monte Carlo is naturally parallel because the result of one random trial doesn't depend on the results of the other trials. Monte Carlo's popular for board game AIs for this reason (Go, Chess, Reversi etc). It's asymptotically faster than finding the perfect moves (polynomial vs. exponential (and in Go's case practically impossible)), and the additional throughput from simulating games in parallel is more than worth the synchronization overhead.

I think the key thing to remember is that overhead matters less the more you can get done between communications. I think prioritizing limiting synchronization is usually only better for problems pertaining to small amounts of data.


For Monte Carlo algorithms, there is polynomial-time correctness checking, which guarantees the algorithms output the correct answer at the end. While we can do the same checking for parallel programs without synchronization to get the correct results, is there any chance the absence of communication leads to the low-level errors and eventually crashes the program?


Sometimes, the communication cost is minimized but the program is still not able to achieve anticipated speedup. In this case, it is because there are some unnecessary communications between processes. For example, in a master-slave model, the slaves do not need to know information from each other, so collect information from each process only at the master level might be able to eliminate unnecessary communications.