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An important observation is that Solution 1 duplicates computation in order to reduce synchronization. (It completely eliminates synchronization in this case). Solutions three and four trade off memory footprint (they duplicate structures) in exchange for reducing contention. A similar idea was used to reduce synchronization in slide 38 of Lecture 4, when we reduced three barriers to one in the solver example.

Question: When might it be a bad idea to trade off memory footprint for synchronization/contention?


Trading off memory footprint to reduce contention is not worth it if the extra steps required (in this example, the merge) take more time than the time we saved through better synchronization. Another more obvious example is if we would have to allocate a lot of memory or don't have enough memory to do so. Thinking of NUMA, accessing that memory might also take considerably longer as we get further away.


The idea of "not having enough memory" barely even exists anymore, at least on CPUs; there's significantly less memory on GPUs so maybe there you'd care more?

Probably more of a problem is if this memory tradeoff significantly increases the bandwidth of memory accesses: if the extra memory usage means a lot of extra read-writes that aren't cached, it will significantly hurt performance, possibly worse than the gain from synchronization or contention.