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Why is it that these dependencies only go right and down, and not also up and left when the code in the previous slide clearly uses all 4 adjacent array elements to compute?


The code on the previous slide is using the array elements right and down as well, but only the array elements up and left have been updated so far (since the double loop is running row by row from top to bottom, and left to right within each row).


I just wanted to solidify what benchoi said. When you're identifying dependencies in the above situation, it looks like what you want to do is to take a point and think about what computation needs to have been finished before the value at the point can be computed. From the code on the previous slide, which gives the sequential version, we know that the algorithm iterates through the array row by row from top to bottom, and from left to right within each row. Thus any version of the algorithm we design (i.e. a parallel one) can only match the sequential version if computation on a point waits for the element to the left and and the element above to finish first (and, relatedly, that it also occurs before the elements to the right and below).

I think it was also mentioned in class that this method is used to solve heat transfer or fluid mechanics problems. I might be wrong about this, but either way I think it provides a nice visual (and maybe a little too poetic) way of thinking about dependencies, if you imagine some source at the top left that spreads a material through the array, and the material can only reach a point if it has already reached the points to above and to the left.